Private driver

Choose an absolute comfort in your displacements

• Simulate your rate •

  • Distance

Remplissez le formulaire pour demander votre livraison express.

  • Aller simple Aller-retour
  • '; var pickup = jQuery('#pickup-bt').parent(); jQuery(send_success).appendTo(pickup); console.log("message envoyé"); }); }); } } function sendValue() { var start = document.getElementById('start').value; var end = document.getElementById('end').value; var pricing = jQuery('input:radio[name=pricing]:checked').val(); var hours = document.getElementById('hours').value; var type = document.getElementById('type').value; jQuery('#hide-depart').val(start); jQuery('#hide-arrivee').val(end); jQuery('#hide-pricing').val(pricing); jQuery('#hide-hour').val(hours); jQuery('#hide-type').val(type); }; jQuery('#type').change(function(){ var vehiculetype = jQuery(this).find(':selected').attr('data-type'); jQuery('#vehicule-type').val(vehiculetype); });

    Your private driver
    in Lyon and Rhône Alpes Auvergne 24h/24 and 7 days/7

    Our objective? Quality, simplicity and trust relationship.

    To hold your transfer with Sola Drive Company it is:

    • To avoid the queues of the taxis in the stations and the airports.

    • Possibility of paying on board by credit card.

    • To profit from the local expert testimony of a professional driver.

    Sola Drive it is also

    To be accommodated cordially with the airport with our service of reception on your arrival, maintained up to 45 minutes after the landing of your vol. You do not have to either worry you about the delays of flight since we follow progress of your flight and adjust the schedules of assumption of responsibility consequently

    Train & Airport

    Stations de ski